Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dokter Pakar....goreng.

Nak blog sebab terserempak dengan Doctor kat bawah tadi...kat bawah ada workshop for doctors.
I nampak, I stare, I terus look away...berasap jer..
He's the doctor pakar that my mother was referred to at UMMC specialist.
Mak I tepon UMMC , tanya nak jumpa siapa kalau sakit sakit bawah kulit, rasa macam dalam tulang..rasa macam pedih pedih dekat nerve..saraf..
Dia suruh buat appointment jumpa Doctor pakar neuro..saraf..
Masa bawa my mother pergi office doctor ni, I was impressed , sebab dia Pakar Neuro surgeon..Like, WOW..Belajar mesti Hebat nieh..Dah la Neuro..Saraf..Surgeon plak tu..
 Dr Gopal ke ape nama dia..
Yang datang nak jumpa dia, semua orang tua tua..Tua betul la ! kalau tolak trus jatuh punye jenis..Jenis yang anak kena pimpin, panggil dia, coz orang tua tak dengar, ke dia stone, zone out..biasa la..tuaaa..My mother steady je lagi haha..
Masuk la office dia, jumpe..young chap..looks 38+ yrs old..But I think actually 40+ kot, biasa la......Lelaki kan nampak Muda je sentiasa. except yang isap dadah, or really fat and smokes and ugly. anyway...
Doctor ni pun check Mak I...siap ketuk ketuk lutut Mak, tengok ada response ke tak..buat lengan mak I pusing sini, pusing sana la...I nganga jer.
Panjang lebar Mak I explain kat dia start sakit bila, rasa macam mana, tunjuk rashes kat tangan, lengan my mum, gatal, lain kasi ubat apa....Last last, dia diagnose Mak I takde ape ape...tak tahu sakit apa..Only thing he can give is Painkillers untuk nerve..Selain tu tak de pa pe..tengok la macam mana, kalau jadi apa apa sakit lagi..Sebab dari observation dia, nerve response my mother is still good. So he doesnt know whats wrong, or why my mother feels Pain near her bones or nerves. My mother siap bagitahu yang I said, maybe its Shingles..(coz I pernah see our house cleaner , maid indon kena shingles, sakit sakit macam my mum complain tu) Doctor gopal ni pun check for shingles..check the rashes...He said the rashes tak kuar air, kalau shingles, dia macam ada air and the rashes will timbul in a line, macam peta kat saraf, dia ikut saraf. Kata "No, no..Believe me its not shingles....Trust me, It's not shingles.."
Kitorang pun ,"Ok Bye" - You're not much Help, and I kena bayar bill $$ yg tak berapa nk murah tu .
What to do? Balik my mom makan je Painkillers. Esok nya tu, pergi Klinik biasa , dapat doctor yang my mum knows well...One look the doctor diagnose my mum kena Shingles.

I tak boleh lupa ayat ..TRUST ME ITS NOT SHINGLES
Well, Trust you to MISDIAGNOSE you lousy so-called neuro surgeon expert. 
I tengok qualifications dia, wow hebat! , UK la bagai.. Berlagak "I know what I'm talking about". Tu la dia, he's just Human.
Tadi I memang just nak walk up to him and tell it to his face that my mom went to a local GP and was diagnosed with shingles, Mr .fancy neuro surgeon pants. Kau pergi medical school balik la weih.
Dah expert expert sangat, yang basic human sickness pun tak reti nak tengok.

Alhamdulillah, mum dah ok.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Going for an interview

or meeting Human resource dept..

Saje post sebab cute

Chomey gile !

Saje post sebab cantik

                                                       Gorgeous ~

i nak gi office lookin like this..


Monday, November 8, 2010

Selalu kutuk tapi suka..

I selalu kutuk dia...
make fun of her..
tapi i suka dia..
Adakah aku sakit ? 
Ke ini biasa ?
Biasa la !!!
Siapa  'Dia?' = Budak kuku kaki, miss B pangei dia. 
Ke I suka dia, pasal I boleh make fun of her ? 
Ini dah definition Bully. Nak lagi extreme, macam Abuser. Tapi dalam diam. Hehe. I'm horrible. yes.
But I make fun belakang dia, with people who dunno her, and she dunno these people either. And it doesnt hurt her directly. Yet it brings me laughter. Wow I made myself sound like a BiJerk..B*tch Jerk. Like in that teen flick, 'Mean girls' or 'Jawbreaker' . But in the end is it wrong?
ikut suka aku laa..
banyak nak kena bertaubat. even if it ain't wrong haha ! or precariously borders on Wrong.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Just into my first week working here, went to a student college canteen that used to be popular among us students. Sat down to eat nasi goreng paprik ayam. Halfway through the meal, found 'treasure' in the paprik ayam..Hair. Mid length hair. Look around to see which cook's hair must of fallen in my Lunch. But All the cooks wore hair nets/ caps. And they had short men hair. Then I saw my main suspect..The canteen owner's daughter. She was running around the kitchen in her school uniform with her mid length hair flying. . I was gonna complain , but I figured they wouldn't care, and no apologies. Yes this is how Malaysian service is. For food that is RM 5.50, what do I expect?
I also saw a recent post about Tesco bread and I Was like Ewwww ...
Then a week later I went to Tesco and stupidly bought Chicken curry bun..And halfway through munching, I saw hair in my bun... !!! Ini pun kalau bawa bun balik Tesco pegi complain, mesti dia tarik muka ," Ye ke.." *i'm not interested in anything you say, let me get back to my Farmville"* face. 

One day a man went into a restaurant and ordered a bowl of soup. The waitress brought his order out to him on a tray with her middle finger immersed in the middle of his soup bowl.

"What the hell's the idea of putting your finger in my soup bowl?" the man bellowed at the waitress.

"My doctor said the best thing for my rheumatism was to keep my finger pressed in a warm damp place," the waitress informed him.

"Oh yeah," the man shouted, "then why don't you take that finger of yours and shove it up your fat ass?"

"I'm sorry sir the waitress replied, but I already tried that before I brought your soup out."

Itu pasal tak kesah spend $$ on eating food at Chillis ke TGIF ke Tony Romas ker..cause they got real good customer service and jaga quality.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blur colleague

Boleh tak hari yang i bad mood, you jangan blur ? You jangan nampakkan sangat your blurness tu.
Photo Credit: Krapps
I boleh tolerate you slalu space out..orang tanya apa-apa, you tak leh jawab, padahal you dah kerja dah setahun sini. Compared to I yang baru 2 months. And then perangai cam orang tua, tanya in the morning, petang nanti kang tanya the same question. Then I'm like, WTF, pity you, alwez forget. I think she's daydreaming too much about her beau.
Eeee dahla mood macam nak makan orang.
Kau nak kena makan ke?!!
OMG Panasnye HATI niiiii !!!

                          ahahaha padan muka, terbakar kau !

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

OctoPaul ~ baby Octopus seasoned in sauce, or deep fried..I Like !

Remember the Octopus that predicted the 2010 World Cup games?
Well the NEWS is..He's Dead.
Found in his tank....*plekkkkk..* like that..lembek..
Reportedly at his age of 2 + years, it's normal . Itu je lifespan octopussy. He died under normal circumstances.
Apparently there has been soooo many death threats, owner dia pun stress. Mostly orang send Octopaul recipes, how to cook him good, nyum* Sure owner dia scared he kena kidnap ke, poison water ke..
I tengok this vid, Paul slides down the pole, reminds me of a pole dancer in a bar.heh!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Teenage Dream ~ Katy Perry

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

Before you met me

I was alright but things
Were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever
You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

My heart stops

When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali

And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever

I'mma get your heart racing
In my skin tights jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Thursday, October 14, 2010


6 years : Mom knows everything!
~ 8 years :Mom knows a lot!
~ 12 years : Mom really doesn't know everything! 
~ 14years : Mom knows nothing!
~ 16 years : Mom, what mom? 
~ 18 years : Mom is outdated!
~ 25 years : Maybe Mom knows! 
~ 35 years : Before deciding, let's ask Mom! 
~ 45 years : I wonder what Mom thinks!
~ 75years :... I wish Mom was here to ask..! 
Post this on ur wall if u

 Angie breastfeed stylo Ok ? pakai sunnies gitu.. !

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For New Brides, before its too late

We women have to learn to Be Strong to Any Man. Don't over compensate, don't bend over backwards to breaking point. Know what you want and what you like. Stand your ground. Else men will step all over you. All men are the same. They Appreciate Women who does not over compensate. They like a Confident Woman who puts herself first instead of him first. A woman who Does Not Take His Bullshit. A WOMAN HE CAN'T FIGURE OUT.'re so lovely..(busy as a mom and working for the UN)

Please Empower yourselves before its too late. Be Confident of yourself, Make yourself Independent of any man, and Feel Secure in who you are.

*Turns off computer and picks up phone*
((Ring, ring))
Me: B, My car battery died? What to do? ...Ok, you buy me the new battery and fix it for me ya. And on your way home, also please get me sanitary pads and black seed oil supplements from the kedai runcit kat bawah tu..thank u so much sweetie.

You have to make your man feel needed (busy fulfilling your needs) . Independent lah sangat! hah! *rolling eyes*

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stop Dolphin and Whale killing NOW !

Last nite I watched  a documentary which opened my eyes to where and how Aquarium shows, SeaWorld etc get their Dolphins and Whales for human entertainment , and how a group of fishermen treat these Dolphins & whales in Taiji, Japan. The ones that are not picked for the show are pulled behind a big rock to behind another 'cove' where they are mass Slaughtered. This horrifying, slaughtering season takes place in September each year. Bought the documentary from Speedy video.  
Its so horrid , the sea water turns to BLOODY RED. **cry** 

 This is a video of whale slaughtering in Faeroe Islands. Island's in between Iceland, Scotland and Norway.Ramai ramai Qiqah whales. Terrible.
Skarang I follow SeaSheperd's to somehow battle this.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pinjam bridal magazine kau?

My friend L sibuk nak kahwin this November, with all the wedding preparations..its only a month away. I'm sure she's super excited. Nak pinjam my Ratu Sehari mags, wanna look at the wedding dais designs so she can show her dais designer. I get it, coz I too tied the knot last June (4 months ago), get the feeling excited and all..But the wedding event is just one day, or a few days (including solemnization & bridegroom's reception)..and it seems so just flies by. The preparation is tedious but fun, and is more fun than the real actual wedding itself . haha. We brides sangat poyo prepare, last last kahwin, and then...banyak challenges ahead to face..Kena seek help and advice, join marriage forums, go for counselling..For many  , the wedding is such a big deal, for me, (a minority ) its tiring and unnecessary headache. I wouldn't want to do it all over again. For my brothers if they wanna get married, I advised them siap siap, You go book 2 tables at the Chinese restaraunt. That's it. 
Seronok la tengok my friend running here and there trying to get the preparations in order, see her anticipation, so I won't burst her happy, if a bit disillusioned bubble. Because marriage is never what you think it is or expect it to be.


milk in the morning

adeii..drinking milk in the morning is giving me tummy activity which I don't like. *where's the bathroom?*

 i thought i was lactose intolerant because I have tummy ache when I Drink milk, but my friend studying PhD in Nutrition asked me, "Can you eat chocolate ?" I said, Yeah. He (Mahendran) said "Then you're not lactose intolerant coz chocolate got milk what?". Ok, point taken.
Some more someone is Singing to the Love song "Nothing's going to take my love from you..~" . Actually damaging George Benson's hit song. Keciannn..

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mona Fandey wants to..

Remember the days ? Before Facebook and Twitter became popular in Malaysia, Friendster was THE social networking site.
Anyway, I remember one time an Idiot decided to take the name id 'Mona Fandey' and wanted to befriend me. Imagine getting a message in your inbox "Mona Fandey wants to add you as her/his friend"
Takuuuuutt !!

Lagi takut dari Bekam darah k.
Dahla kubur Tok Wan I kat Kajang dekat dengan kubur Mona Fandey jugak. Kalau I tak tahu lagi bagus. The gravedigger yang pi cerite dengan my dad.
Kalau dah lupa, ni Mona Fandey on wiki

Blood letting

On Saturday went for Bekam Darah therapy with an Ustat's wife in Cheras. Mula mula takut betul because it involves needles and puncture wounds. Tapi dah di bagi makan breakfast kway teow goreng sedap, karipuff and teh panas, borak borak ngan ustazah tu..and me being the chosen first one to do it ,kena la tukar pakai kain batik and lie down. I berserah saja la masa tu. Mula2 dia place the cup on my back and vacuum out the air. MY back ada 16 cups. Then dia cup my friend, Fiz, who was lying down beside me, yang duk tengok aje, takut tunggu turn dia plak. Another friend, S, yang introduce us into bekam darah ni ( dia kata ni Rahsia Menguruskan Badan kalau tak kurus dia berani potong jari dia !) duduk kat tepi and duk takut takutkan kitorang lagi and gelakkan kitorang. On the way over, in the car we asked,
Me & Fiz : Nanti dia cucuk pakai apa S ?
S : Dia pakai hammer
Me & Fiz : AAAAAAAaaaaa !!
Then ustazah tu datang balik kat I, remove one cup and start poking me with a lancet pen ( like the diabetics use). She poked , like, 20 holes? The pain was tolerable la. Then dia cup balik and vacuum out the air and blood starts oozing out...
S duk kata "Waaa a lot ...! "
Fiz looks over in horror
Yang I ni tak dapat tengok. Sib baik tak pengsan.
Then Ustazah gelak je tengok kitorang yang sangat kecoh ni sambil bleed my back.
Some cups yang fill up quickly she had to remove the blood first and replace the cup again. There were cups that were foaming out blood.
Bekam darah ni bagus untuk kesihatan badan , good for health. For blood circulation, detox , remove blood cholesterol, treat acne, migraines, sinus, gout. If migraine, cup the head, If facial acne, cup the face area. Many testimonies that your ills and pains will reduce a lot . For gout prevention, cup the legs, alot of foam will come out, thats the uric acid. And it helps to lose weight too. For ladies who want to get pregnant also, there's a way of cupping to help with getting babies.
Bekam darah treatment is Sunnah for muslims. And its safe to do treatments monthly.
Women usually have pain on their shoulders, back and waist and legs. Some men like to cup their tummies. hehe.
I will add cups to my legs and tummy also next time. Fiz & S said, after cupping their legs, they instantly feel relief and lighter legged.
I felt relief and light and ready to go back to sleep. hehe.Luckily Fiz was driving.
We're definitely making this a regular thing !

Sunday, October 3, 2010



The hunt for Houses is ON !

How much can we afford ?
What Location ? It should be in the middle of Cyberjaya, PJ and Shah Alam.
COndo or Landed ?
The choices include Pinggiran subang, Subang Andaman, Bukit Bandaraya..
Or build a new house on top of own land.
House hunting is so much fun !!
Just like Angie & Brad in Washington.. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Valuable or indispensible

Ladies, wives, girlfriends, partners out there,
Would you rather be valuable to your husband or partner , or totally indispensable?
Meaning that as a wife you take care of your husband, your home, your family in your own special way. You can cook his favorite food, treat and love him in your own way, know how to make him smile or laugh, keep him happy but at the same time have your own life, your own interests. So you be there for him when you have to, but you have also other obligations, that when you leave him for an hour or two, a day or a few days, you know, maybe for your own parents, shopping, out with the ladies, outstation for work..he can make his own coffee, wash his own clothes, eat at the get it..survive on his own, coz we're not in the jungle anymore, every necessity is within reach.He misses you but doesnt mope around and sit and wait for you to come home.But he values you when you're around you'll spoil him by doing things to make it easier on him, so he can do other work, and keep him happy cause we love making our man happy!
Or would you rather be Indispensable, he cant live without you, cant drink milo when you're not around, where to boil the water, get the milk, cant toast own bread, cant fry own egg, cant wear wrinkled shirts cause you're the one ironing them, out of clean clothes cause you're the one washing them..So that when you're not around he is helpless, i need my wife's too busy for me i need A wife..someone..jeng jeng..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ice-cream cake

I'm a fan of ice-cream cake, But Baker's Cottage ice-cream cakes are HORRIBLE. Why not go to Baskin Robin's ? BR is the benchmark for ice-creams and is affordable, compared to Haagen Dazs (Delicious comes with a price) and Ben & Jerry's(unfortunately no B&J outlet yet in M'sia).
Who buys ice-cream cakes from Baker's cottage anyway ? Geez..spoiled the birthday party.

Microsoft Office 2007 ..luv it !

I Love Microsoft office 2007 ! Ms Excel and Ms Word 2007 makes it easier to use to do work, and the interface is more attractive, with a 'softer' interface. And I Love Microsoft Clip arts to decorate my documents and calenders.
I know a LOT of people who don't like the new Ms. But that's just because they were too used to the older version (2003). Don't they know that New means Better?

Monday, July 12, 2010


"Tak boleh pegang ayam !"

~ KFC Cashier to a teenage couple who were about to touch their chicken and ask to change chicken piece.
It was so funny, the KFC guy was sooo seriously mad.

Twilight : Eclipse

"You love him ?"
" I Love you more"
"I know you do"
~ Edward & Bella

Study Overseas

Kenapa Bangga Sangat Bila Anak Dapat Pegi Study Overseas ?
And keep on mentioning it.On and on..and on..

Friday, May 14, 2010


BRIDEZILLA: Bridezillas are a new breed of soon-to-wed women who abuse the idea that weddings are their "day." They terrorize their bridal party and family members, make greedy demands and break all rules of etiquette, to insure that they are the single most important person on the planet from the time they are engaged to the time they are married.
NOT ME haha !

3 weeks to the wedding

3 weeks to the wedding..and its Wedding hell rush for me..
Akad nikah location : KL
But I'm in qariah Selangor.
So have to go to JAIS , and JAWI and the Masjid wilayah KL.
Dah book akad nikah time & place, but can't have food after.
So we travel 1 hour to get to masjid wilayah, rush to do the solemnization 30 mins, then everybody goes home. Go home n sleep la.
bride & groom stay back with photographers to snap photos at the beautiful mosque.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bridal boutique

Nak pegi gaduh / argue with the bridal boutique..
About transferring my deposit (RM 500) for bridal gown, to my fiance's booking for pelamin.
They say CANNOT last time on the phone...
*Puts on Armour and heaves up Platinum Shield, unsheaths Sword* *Assume attack stance* READY FOR BATTLE. BRING ON THE WAR.


Satu jenayah telah berlaku pada Isnin pagi, di mana digital camera & Sony Handycam kepunyaan lab hilang..disyaki dicuri.
Witness berkata LAST TIME tengok handycam pada hari Sabtu tghari.
Disyaki Jenayah berlaku di antara pukul Sabtu 12 tgh hari hingga Isnin 10.30.
Barang2 berharga ini (anggaran ~ RM 6 K) disimpan di dalam cabinet besi buruk (government old style) yang tidak berkunci. Dan lab didapati tidak berkunci pada Isnin pagi. Penyimpanannye yang tidak sesuai / tidak selamat sudah memang mengundang masalah / kecurian, jadi TUNGGU MASA sahaja hingga barangan itu LESAP..
Suspects nye adalah : Semua warga lab & pemegang2 kunci lab. TErmasuk cleaners & outsiders.
Benda tu simpan tak betul, siapa2 masuk keluar lab boleh 'lift' barang2 tu dalam masa beberapa minit tanpa disedari.
MAsalahnye..Only a few people /certain people know the handycam & camera are KEPT there..Unless an outsider was lucky to see it put there.
Now, the boy responsible for keeping the things, he was scared to tell our LadyBoss. In fact we all takut to inform Lady boss.So we told her second in command.
Anyway, the boy reported to Security, security said theyll look at the surveillance. Now they've supposedly hooked up the CCTV, coz in March we had a perv /peeping tom sneaking around. But still see the perv working there, so how leh? What 'tindakan' and Solution is THAT??
And the boy reported to the Boss, boss said go report to Police also. Well i hope the police come and crawl all over the place, cause like the Perv case, we want to call in Police also cannot, we were barred from doing so.We have to let the Uni decide and do it.
Again, what kind of solution is dat?
We'll see if anything / anyone comes up on the CCTV.
Good la, make this a LESSON for all of us.
The lab people so trusting..labs are unlocked..
when see me carrying my valuables around with me everywhere, they have the audacity to ask " u nak balik dah ke ?"
With Thieves & Perverts lurking around , its a wonder i dont carry a 'piece' on me yet.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SAMAN parking kereta Uni..FRUSTRATING

I went to my old Uni during my MC leave day to settle my parking summonses. If dont settle , kononnye cannot graduate/convo. They gave me letter for 4 summonses with a few cases ..i didnt understand what 'kes' is. And they said each one pay RM 25. So i totaled it to be RM 100. Went there, ask for less penalty also cannot. They totaled up all the damn cases to 13 total penalty became RM 325. All blood rushing to my face I said i dont have that much $. They ask me how much is my 'budget'..I said 100.. Another lady pegawai gave me discount to 10 cases = RM 225. Bloody hell.
I said u dont provide enough parking for my faculty.And told them stupid car sticker tak change within a few weeks (still within semester) also kena saman ke?
All STUDENTS Must Pay whatever amount if not cannot Graduate.
But Lecturers / Staff / Kontrak Staff if dont pay, tak kena apa2. Takde pulak they cannot Naik pangkat if dont pay saman..Actually they all tak kena saman coz they work for the uni. So people who actually earn a Salary, tak kena saman, and no need to pay. But Students who DONT EARN $, and PAY STUDY FEES to the university must pay a HEFTY SUM bcoz the Uni cannot provide enuff for the students or visitors. But visitors kena saman also no need to pay coz their car is Not registered with the uni.
Good going..thanks for the Help, uni...
So now maybe i wont attend the convocation (fee RM 170), coz $ all gone to pay saman.
Bahagian 'Keselamatan' go all out to saman students, when they cannot even address the issue of sexual harassment though there has been our written complaints every year, including witnesses and victims.
Good job.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meet me halfway...-Black Eyed Peas

I suka buat kerja halfway.....
is that normal ?
Most people do too,right?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

xxx ,LIES & videotapes

Working here has definitely taught me how to LIE...Blue Lie, White Lies, Red Lies..Rainbow colored lies..
Just to please someone..or protect someone's feelings..or just concealing the real truth..still a lie..
When in my heart I just want to SHOUT the is playing on my lips..
Yet with restraint, and now, practice, I am well-acquainted with hiding the awful truth and covering it with a Sweet Lie..
That's what people want to Hear anyway..
Sweet Lies..nicely tickles the earlobe..gently flies in the ear canal..softly whispers to the brain..and sweetly rests in the heart.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Someone has flown to Italy..

It just isn't Me..boohoo..I'll be crying for two weeks.
La mancherĂ² in Italia
the direct translation is I will be lacking it in Italy .. haha!

Sekolah Menengah Pizza Hut

Have you been to Sekolah Menengah Pizza Hut ? If you haven't heard, it's in Shah Alam convention centre mall (SACC) where the food servers look like under-aged kids & the manager also looks like the Head Prefect.
The service : 3 stars out of 5. Half of the food servers were polite, the other half ..banged down a plate of garlic bread, one waitress looked so unhelpful when I asked for chili flakes, Tabasco sauce & chili sauce. Somebody 'smart' gave me pepper. Another waitress was complaining loudly about 'table 28' and 'Menyampah!'..They even have Call buttons on the table for service, but when we pressed it a few times, it just rang out in the general area of the restaurant, and no one gave a d@mn. There was the area Manager's contact number beneath that button that we considered calling. See, in school we report students misbehaving. Like this la. But of course we didn't call, because I have the option of eating at another Pizza Hut in section 13 Shah Alam.
Seriously, the ambiance was  not one of pleasing customers when the food servers are louder than the paying customers. Just like the school canteen.

Friday, February 19, 2010

If this directories

These are 2 wedding directories :

Everything you need for a Malaysian style wedding.

And then there's the magazines to help guide us too :

Wedding photography

I've been scouting around for my Wedding day photographer since August 2009.
I've found a helpful list :
Others are : and

If I had extra $$ I would go for this fella :
His style is really want I'm looking for. Very romantic.
Or another great one is : Kid Chan

I've emailed a few on the list with no replies.
Guess they're too busy to check and reply insignificant inquiries from little ol' me.
If you want to inquire, be sure to :
1. Call their phone directly.
2. If you want to email, sign off with Name plus anak Datuk something at the back,then probably they will reply.

I've learned that with this wedding preparation-inquiries thing, there's no room to be shy.

But I still am :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding make up

Choosing my wedding make up artist is another wonderful headache.

Your fate (face) is in their hands.

I asked Saidatulnisa
her bridal boutique's in kompleks PKNS Shah Alam. Her make up is RM 1000. Her assistant's is RM 600. She has 3 a$$istants. I heard the good one is Liza.
I called Sai on Mon afternoon, She was like just woken up from a nap, said she doesnt have her work schedule, its with her assistant at her shop, but her assistant also cuti, so could I leave my contact & wedding details? and her assistant would get back to me the next day..Next day also no response..So booked someone else instead.

Then there's Tiar Zainal.
Recommended by Lynda Rahim's bridal boutique.
Tiar costs RM 950 in the KL area. For Shah Alam 'add RM 50 please'.
As if Shah Alam is not in klang valley..?
Ok la...can consider petrol & toll ..But it should be inclusive for such price, no ?

Anyway, the one I found most amusing is because for Nurul shukor's 'fabulous touch' its RM 1200 for KL area, and Shah Alam area can add another RM 300 for what I have no idea, please enlighten me.
For RM1500 I can go for a 3 night honeymoon at a 5 star hotel.

Sue Cantik is popular too..Only got Facebook: contact number is : 019-2742947. Called her, but she was apologetic and fully booked.

Now this I like..Freda Lestari Putra
Nice , pleasant person, and humble.
Price: RM 500 with accessories. His bridal couture workmanship is so Dreamy..

I am also curious whether a woman or a Man's workmanship on make up is better..I'll see soon enough.
Let's make up fabulously on our Big Day ! :) (without breaking the bank..)

Monday, February 15, 2010