Monday, November 8, 2010

Selalu kutuk tapi suka..

I selalu kutuk dia...
make fun of her..
tapi i suka dia..
Adakah aku sakit ? 
Ke ini biasa ?
Biasa la !!!
Siapa  'Dia?' = Budak kuku kaki, miss B pangei dia. 
Ke I suka dia, pasal I boleh make fun of her ? 
Ini dah definition Bully. Nak lagi extreme, macam Abuser. Tapi dalam diam. Hehe. I'm horrible. yes.
But I make fun belakang dia, with people who dunno her, and she dunno these people either. And it doesnt hurt her directly. Yet it brings me laughter. Wow I made myself sound like a BiJerk..B*tch Jerk. Like in that teen flick, 'Mean girls' or 'Jawbreaker' . But in the end is it wrong?
ikut suka aku laa..
banyak nak kena bertaubat. even if it ain't wrong haha ! or precariously borders on Wrong.

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