Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bridal boutique

Nak pegi gaduh / argue with the bridal boutique..
About transferring my deposit (RM 500) for bridal gown, to my fiance's booking for pelamin.
They say CANNOT last time on the phone...
*Puts on Armour and heaves up Platinum Shield, unsheaths Sword* *Assume attack stance* READY FOR BATTLE. BRING ON THE WAR.


Satu jenayah telah berlaku pada Isnin pagi, di mana digital camera & Sony Handycam kepunyaan lab hilang..disyaki dicuri.
Witness berkata LAST TIME tengok handycam pada hari Sabtu tghari.
Disyaki Jenayah berlaku di antara pukul Sabtu 12 tgh hari hingga Isnin 10.30.
Barang2 berharga ini (anggaran ~ RM 6 K) disimpan di dalam cabinet besi buruk (government old style) yang tidak berkunci. Dan lab didapati tidak berkunci pada Isnin pagi. Penyimpanannye yang tidak sesuai / tidak selamat sudah memang mengundang masalah / kecurian, jadi TUNGGU MASA sahaja hingga barangan itu LESAP..
Suspects nye adalah : Semua warga lab & pemegang2 kunci lab. TErmasuk cleaners & outsiders.
Benda tu simpan tak betul, siapa2 masuk keluar lab boleh 'lift' barang2 tu dalam masa beberapa minit tanpa disedari.
MAsalahnye..Only a few people /certain people know the handycam & camera are KEPT there..Unless an outsider was lucky to see it put there.
Now, the boy responsible for keeping the things, he was scared to tell our LadyBoss. In fact we all takut to inform Lady boss.So we told her second in command.
Anyway, the boy reported to Security, security said theyll look at the surveillance. Now they've supposedly hooked up the CCTV, coz in March we had a perv /peeping tom sneaking around. But still see the perv working there, so how leh? What 'tindakan' and Solution is THAT??
And the boy reported to the Boss, boss said go report to Police also. Well i hope the police come and crawl all over the place, cause like the Perv case, we want to call in Police also cannot, we were barred from doing so.We have to let the Uni decide and do it.
Again, what kind of solution is dat?
We'll see if anything / anyone comes up on the CCTV.
Good la, make this a LESSON for all of us.
The lab people so trusting..labs are unlocked..
when see me carrying my valuables around with me everywhere, they have the audacity to ask " u nak balik dah ke ?"
With Thieves & Perverts lurking around , its a wonder i dont carry a 'piece' on me yet.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SAMAN parking kereta Uni..FRUSTRATING

I went to my old Uni during my MC leave day to settle my parking summonses. If dont settle , kononnye cannot graduate/convo. They gave me letter for 4 summonses with a few cases ..i didnt understand what 'kes' is. And they said each one pay RM 25. So i totaled it to be RM 100. Went there, ask for less penalty also cannot. They totaled up all the damn cases to 13 cases..so total penalty became RM 325. All blood rushing to my face I said i dont have that much $. They ask me how much is my 'budget'..I said 100.. Another lady pegawai gave me discount to 10 cases = RM 225. Bloody hell.
I said u dont provide enough parking for my faculty.And told them stupid car sticker tak change within a few weeks (still within semester) also kena saman ke?
All STUDENTS Must Pay whatever amount if not cannot Graduate.
But Lecturers / Staff / Kontrak Staff if dont pay, tak kena apa2. Takde pulak they cannot Naik pangkat if dont pay saman..Actually they all tak kena saman coz they work for the uni. So people who actually earn a Salary, tak kena saman, and no need to pay. But Students who DONT EARN $, and PAY STUDY FEES to the university must pay a HEFTY SUM bcoz the Uni cannot provide enuff for the students or visitors. But visitors kena saman also no need to pay coz their car is Not registered with the uni.
Good going..thanks for the Help, uni...
So now maybe i wont attend the convocation (fee RM 170), coz $ all gone to pay saman.
Bahagian 'Keselamatan' go all out to saman students, when they cannot even address the issue of sexual harassment though there has been our written complaints every year, including witnesses and victims.
Good job.