Nak blog sebab terserempak dengan Doctor kat bawah tadi...kat bawah ada workshop for doctors.
I nampak, I stare, I terus look away...berasap jer..
He's the doctor pakar that my mother was referred to at UMMC specialist.
Mak I tepon UMMC , tanya nak jumpa siapa kalau sakit sakit bawah kulit, rasa macam dalam tulang..rasa macam pedih pedih dekat nerve..saraf..
Dia suruh buat appointment jumpa Doctor pakar neuro..saraf..
Masa bawa my mother pergi office doctor ni, I was impressed , sebab dia Pakar Neuro surgeon..Like, WOW..Belajar mesti Hebat nieh..Dah la Neuro..Saraf..Surgeon plak tu..
Dr Gopal ke ape nama dia..
Yang datang nak jumpa dia, semua orang tua tua..Tua betul la ! kalau tolak trus jatuh punye jenis..Jenis yang anak kena pimpin, panggil dia, coz orang tua tak dengar, ke dia stone, zone out..biasa la..tuaaa..My mother steady je lagi haha..
Masuk la office dia, jumpe..young chap..looks 38+ yrs old..But I think actually 40+ kot, biasa la......Lelaki kan nampak Muda je sentiasa. except yang isap dadah, or really fat and smokes and ugly. anyway...
Doctor ni pun check Mak I...siap ketuk ketuk lutut Mak, tengok ada response ke tak..buat lengan mak I pusing sini, pusing sana la...I nganga jer.
Panjang lebar Mak I explain kat dia start sakit bila, rasa macam mana, tunjuk rashes kat tangan, lengan my mum, gatal, lain kasi ubat apa....Last last, dia diagnose Mak I takde ape ape...tak tahu sakit apa..Only thing he can give is Painkillers untuk nerve..Selain tu tak de pa pe..tengok la macam mana, kalau jadi apa apa sakit lagi..Sebab dari observation dia, nerve response my mother is still good. So he doesnt know whats wrong, or why my mother feels Pain near her bones or nerves. My mother siap bagitahu yang I said, maybe its Shingles..(coz I pernah see our house cleaner , maid indon kena shingles, sakit sakit macam my mum complain tu) Doctor gopal ni pun check for shingles..check the rashes...He said the rashes tak kuar air, kalau shingles, dia macam ada air and the rashes will timbul in a line, macam peta kat saraf, dia ikut saraf. Kata "No, no..Believe me its not shingles....Trust me, It's not shingles.."
Kitorang pun ,"Ok Bye" - You're not much Help, and I kena bayar bill $$ yg tak berapa nk murah tu .
What to do? Balik my mom makan je Painkillers. Esok nya tu, pergi Klinik biasa , dapat doctor yang my mum knows well...One look the doctor diagnose my mum kena Shingles.
I tak boleh lupa ayat ..TRUST ME ITS NOT SHINGLES
Well, Trust you to MISDIAGNOSE you lousy so-called neuro surgeon expert.
I tengok qualifications dia, wow hebat! , UK la bagai.. Berlagak "I know what I'm talking about". Tu la dia, he's just Human.
Tadi I memang just nak walk up to him and tell it to his face that my mom went to a local GP and was diagnosed with shingles, Mr .fancy neuro surgeon pants. Kau pergi medical school balik la weih.
Dah expert expert sangat, yang basic human sickness pun tak reti nak tengok.
Alhamdulillah, mum dah ok.